Updates! Latest Prices for Hybrid Corn Commodities
- 2022-12-13
- Posted by: Widyadhana Mufida
- Categories: Agriculture, News

There is the latest information or update regarding the price of hybrid corn in Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra. Hybrid corn, which is used as animal feed, price is currently at IDR 3,000/Kg. This price has increased from the previous few weeks (12/12/2022).
According to tribunnews.com, farmers in Musi Rawas Regency, especially in E Wonokerto Village, Tugumulyo District, hope that the price of hybrid corn will remain stable or slowly increase. This hope was conveyed by the farmers, considering that most of the rice fields in Mura Regency are now planted with corn. Particularly in Muara Beliti, Tugumulyo and Purwodadi Districts.
Parsi, a resident of E Wonokerto Village, Tugumulyo District, said that there was drought at the Kelingi-Tugumulyo irrigation. This causes the rice fields to not be planted with rice. According to him, in order to keep their rice fields productive, farmers are taking steps to plant hybrid corn.
“For the time being, when the Kelingi-Tugumulyo irrigation water is normal again, we will return to planting rice,” said Parsi. He also explained that the current hybrid corn prices multiplied with bountiful harvest corn, have brought widespread benefits to the residents of his area.
Parsi hopes that the price of hybrid corn in Musi Rawas Regency will continue to climb. Considering that there are also many corn farmers in Mura Regency.
“There are many commodities in Mura Regency, so the hope is that the price of corn will continue to rise. So that farmers can also become more prosperous,” he concluded.