Toraja Coffee Becomes Export Priority for 2023

The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture is prioritizing Toraja coffee from South Sulawesi as an export commodity in 2023. It is because Toraja coffee production reaches 3,567 tons each year.

“We will jointly increase the glory of Toraja coffee again. Coffee is one of the mainstay commodities that has the potential for export in Toraja. So that will be a priority this year,” said Inspector General of the Ministry of Agriculture Jan Samuel Maringka (06/03/2023).

According to, Jan explained that his party had helped to encourage an increase in Toraja coffee production. The Ministry of Agriculture will allocate a budget for coffee development in Tana Toraja Regency covering an area of ​​600 hectares, and in North Toraja Regency covering an area of ​​500 hectares.

“Almost every day farmers harvest coffee and of course coffee is Indonesia’s export potential. The Ministry of Agriculture has a 10,000 ha rejuvenation program. This year and next, the Toraja region will get priority for coffee rejuvenation, which we hope internationally recognizes the superiority of Toraja coffee,” he said.

Toraja Coffee Production Plan

Meanwhile, the Regent of Tana Toraja Theofilus Allorerung welcomed this priority step. According to him, Toraja coffee production continues to grow every year. The area that supplies the largest coffee is located in Gandasil District with a coffee plantation of 1,544 hectares.

“Of course this is very good. Toraja coffee has long been famous for its delights for coffee lovers. This is evidenced by the large demand for Toraja coffee and it has penetrated the international market. Our coffee supplier is in Gandasil District, which has a 1,544 hectare coffee plantation,” said Theofilus.

For information, there are 16 provinces in Indonesia which are the biggest coffee suppliers. These sixteen provinces are Aceh, Bengkulu, South Sumatra, Jambi, Riau, North Sumatra, Lampung, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, NTB, NTT, South Sulawesi, Gorontalo and Papua.

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