SJI Advances Commodities Export to European Union

The Sustainable Jurisdiction Indicators (SJI) are here to advance Indonesia’s commodity exports to the European Union. PT Surveyor Indonesia (PTSI) launched the SJI platform to overcome barriers to marketing Indonesian commodities in penetrating world markets. SJI is designed to support the National Medium Term Development Plan.

According to, SJI was applied to commodity production. After that, SJI then developed for wider regional development. The Main Director of PTSI, M. Haris Witjaksono Haris said that SJI is a big step for Indonesia. This step is a transition to the commodity sector, particularly in the food and agriculture sectors.

“We believe that district-focused initiatives, such as SJI, will benefit the widest possible range of stakeholders, including those at risk of being left behind. The key now is strengthening and communicating progress to ensure that districts are recognized and can demonstrate their performance in line with global market requirements ,” said Harris in his statement (17/11/2022).

PTSI ESG and SDGs expert Martinus Nata stated that SJI had also included many criteria. Among them are forest area protection, climate change mitigation, food security, access to public information, participation of various stakeholders in district planning, registration and certification of smallholders, and Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), and others.

“There are 23 SJI indicators that have been grouped into four themes: environmental, social, economic and governance,” he explained.

The SJI  platform provides a comprehensive data of district progress based on 23 indicators. Based on these criteria, it can be evaluated which districts are leading on a national scale and which need assistance.

“SJI helps districts to communicate sustainability performance to policy makers, supply chain actors, and the global market,” said Nata.

Going forward, PTSI will continue to work closely with Bappenas to further develop and refine the data platform. This platform will be available to the public soon, in order to improve communication about jurisdictional sustainability in Indonesia.

SJI is also developing an additional module on traceability of the origin of palm oil. It will be followed by a number of other commodities that face barriers to penetration in foreign markets such as coffee, chocolate and many more.

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