North Sulawesi Export Commodities to 33 Countries

North Sulawesi Province exports its superior commodities to 33 countries. This achievement was recorded until the first quarter of 2023. The Head of the Sulawesi Industry and Trade Service Daniel Mewengkang also gave an explanation.

“The 33 countries include China, the Netherlands, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, India, Thailand, the United States and a number of other countries,” he explained in Manado (25/05/2023).

As reported by, Daniel said there were 15 commodities exported in total. The average comes from agricultural and plantation commodities. Starting from coconut and its derivatives, vanilla, nutmeg, stevia flowers, and copra meal.

There are also fishery commodities that are also exported, such as fresh fish, frozen fish, and wooden fish. However, the 24 export destination countries are most interested in coconut flour.

Daniel also explained that export volume in the first quarter of 2023 reached 123.66 million tons. With a foreign exchange contribution to the country of 64.59 million United States dollars (US).

Apart from this achievement, North Sulawesi also recorded its own achievements for their stevia commodity. Which was successfully exported to South Korea with total 11,892 kg in 2022.

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