13 Tons of Black Tea Officially Exported
- 2023-06-07
- Posted by: Widyadhana Mufida
- Categories: Agriculture, News
PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XII officially exported 13 tons of black tea. This commodity is a premium quality CTC (Crushing, Tearing, Curling) black tea. PTPN XII’s exported this commodity to strategic partners in Singapore (05/06/2023).
“PTPN XII has premium quality tea commodities so it has great potential in the international market,” said PTPN XII SEVP Business Support Tri Septiono.
According to wartaekonomi.co.id, he explained that his partners had a high demand for tea of this quality. PTPN XII plan to export the commdity today, and expected to arrive at the destination on 12th June 2023.
Tri Septiono also explained that PTPN XII is one of the leading plantation commodity exporters in Indonesia. Especially coffee, cocoa, rubber and tea. The countries they export to are China and Malaysia. Followed by other countries namely Pakistan, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Russia, India, Iran, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands.
“In 2022, PTPN XII exported 857 tons of bulky tea to various countries,” he added.
Black tea is cultivated in areas with an altitude of 700 to 1,500 meters above sea level (MDPL). Among them are the Wonosari Gardens, Malang Regency, and the Bantaran Gardens, Blitar Regency. Black tea products from this sub-holding have been certified with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), Rainforest Alliance (RA), and Halal certification.